Update to Axure + Protonotes script
February 27, 2009
In a previous post, I discussed a script that I wrote to insert text into the <HEAD> tags off all HTML files in a directory. The intention was to allow users of Axure prototypes to insert a Protonotes script and be able to annotate pages in their prototype, similar to the functionality of Protoshare.
I have updated the script once again to Version 3. Two new features were added: first, you can now ignore HTML files that end with “start.html”. These files are generated by the new Axure 5.5, and they contain frames, which can make the Protonotes tool difficult to work with. Second, the script can now be minimized to the system tray, where it will run in the background. While running, it will monitor it’s current directory for changes to the HTML files, and reinsert the script if it detects new or changed HTML files. In this way, users can keep recreating Axure prototypes without having to run the Insert script again.